Important update ,from firmware v1.4.12
Frequency restrictions to avoid satellite interference. Please avoid the following ranges: 145.8-146.0 MHz and 435-438 MHz, otherwise firmware will not start.
tail -100f /var/log/pi-star/MMDVM-2018-11-21.log
Error message Received a NAK to the SET_FREQ command from the modem
1) WiFi SSID and PASSWORD BE REPLACE WHEN Restore Configuration!
2) If run firmware upgrade script error ,run Pi-Star OS first **Important**
sudo pistar-update && sudo pistar-upgrade
Check new firmware
How to enter ssh mode:
http://pi-star:2222/ [Or use IP address]
usr: pi-star
pas: raspberry
tail -100f /var/log/pi-star/MMDVM-2018-11-21.log
Error message Received a NAK to the SET_FREQ command from the modem
1) WiFi SSID and PASSWORD BE REPLACE WHEN Restore Configuration!
2) If run firmware upgrade script error ,run Pi-Star OS first **Important**
sudo pistar-update && sudo pistar-upgrade
Check new firmware
How to enter ssh mode:
http://pi-star:2222/ [Or use IP address]
usr: pi-star
pas: raspberry
1 ) Duplex HAT by BI7JTA VR2VYE
sudo pistar-vyehsflash hs_dual_hat
Radio/Modem Type "MMDVM_HS_Hat Dual Hat(VR2VYE) for Pi(GPIO)"
2)for Nano hotSPOT (BlueBOX)
sudo pistar-vyehsflash nano_hs
change Modem_Type to "MMDVM_HS_NPi Hat (VR2VYE) for Nano Pi(GPIO)"
*For old version HAT,
*If not successful,some old nano HAT need do more operation,connect the upgrade GPIO jumper, detail see here.
3)for RPi_Simplex hotspot
sudo pistar-mmdvmhshatflash hs_hat
Change Modey-Type to "STM32-DVM / MMDVM_HS - Raspberry Pi Hat (GPIO)"
4)for MMDVM repeater board make by jTA
For V3_F446
Upgrade logs:
20191002: add RSSi data display support
Change Modey-Type to "STM32-DVM / MMDVM_HS - Raspberry Pi Hat (GPIO)"
Open your ssh GUI http://pi-star/admin/expert/ssh_access.php
User: pi-star
Pass: raspberry
Login and Ctrl + C then Ctrl +V ,run the follow scripts
curl -OL;
sudo chmod +x stm32flashV5;
curl -OL;
sudo killall MMDVMHost >/dev/null 2>&1 ;
sudo ./stm32flashV5 -v -w mmdvm_f4.hex -R -i 20,-21,21:-20,21 /dev/ttyAMA0;
#Please Power off then Power on(Not the reboot).
For V1_F105
*Important* Just support use boot loader flash HAT firmware
The new firmware version is RPT_1.4.7
New feature: Support POCSAG mode.
Flash use USB
Suggest this way,enter flash mode easy then GPIO
1)Use USB mode
1.1 Disconnect STM32-DVM from the RPi host, GPIO and USB all disconnect,
1.2 Insert JP jumper, short BOOT and VCC near P25 LED,
1.3 Connect STM32-DVM to the RPi host use USB wire, then will endter flash mode automatic. PWR, ACT and DMR will bright, not flashing (Very important,if not as I description, disconnect USB and connect again) .
1.4 Flash use USB (replace your .hex path, and download stm32flash,see Require libs )
sudo stm32flash -w /usr/src/MMDVM/bin/mmdvm.hex -v /dev/ttyUSB0
Require libs
Demo videos :
Flash use ST-LINK (Not suggestion)
Buy a ST-Link ,then connect to the board ST-LINK interface, then open STM32 ST-LINK Utility, choose mmdvm.hex,then flash.
For V3 F446 Version
Coming soon,
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